Impact ASK

Engage the whole community in your school’s improvement journey.

Impact ASK is an online survey tool which helps schools gather and analyse the views of teachers, learners, parents and school leaders.

ASK provides a range of ready-made online surveys covering key aspects of the school’s work, including:

  • learning and teaching
  • curriculum
  • leadership
  • closing the attainment gap
  • safeguarding and wellbeing

Surveys are customised for different stakeholder groups and linked directly to quality indicators from How Good is our School.

ASK is easy to use and provides schools with a detailed analysis of stakeholder feedback, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. Stakeholder comments and priorities help to shape the school’s improvement journey.

Why spend hours designing, running and analysing surveys when ASK can do it all for you in a fraction of the time?

Use ASK to take the next step on your school’s improvement journey.

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