How do I create a custom ASK COVID-19 Survey?

Step 1: Create a New ASK survey by selecteting New HGIOS Survey from the ASK dashboard

Step 2: Give your survey a title, and choose the appropriate session

Step 3: We have added two new themes to ASK to support COVID-19 survey questions:

Step 4: It is possible to further refine your survey by deselecting individual questions

What is a 'How Good is OUR school?' evaluation?

The 'How Good is OUR school?' national framework has been developed for children and young people because it is important that they have a say in how well their school is doing and how it can be improved.

Impact includes bespoke learner surveys in each of the 5 key areas:

How do I compare the results of an evaluation over time?

The results of the current evaluation can be compared with the same evaluation carried out in previous sessions.

This feature can be accessed via the stakeholder survey dashboard.

In order to view surveys over time, it is necessary to change to a new survey session each school year. Impact can then provide a comparison of a survey results across multiple school sessions.

How do I view stakeholder improvement priorities?

As part of the survey provess, stakeholders are invited to select their top improvement priority for the school.

An analysis of the main priorities of each stakeholder group can be accessed via the stakeholder survey dashboard.

How do I view stakeholder survey comments?

Stakeholders are invited to leave a comment at the end of their survey. All of the comments left within a given survey can be accessed via the stakeholder survey dashboard.

There is an option to filter comments so that only a subset of comments is displayed.

How do I analyse stakeholder survey results?

Impact provides a range of different ways to analyse stakeholder survey results. This analysis can be found in the stakeholder survey dashboard, by selecting any theme from the Themes and Analysis section.

Step 1:

  • From the Stakeholder Survey Dashboard, select a Theme for analysis

Step 2:

  • The Survey Theme page displays the survey ratings for all stakeholders
  • The Survey Theme page shows all stakeholder ratings in chart format

Step 3:

  • The Detail button displays a summary of the survey responses for each stakeholder type

Step 4:

  • The view chart button will display a
    summary of the stakeholder responses for each survey question

Video Walkthrough

What does a stakeholder survey look like?

The video below shows how a survey appears from a stakeholder's perspective

Video Walkthrough

How do I share a survey with stakeholders?

Every evaluation has its own unique code, and survey web page.

The code can be found in the Stakeholder Survey dashboard under Survey Code. Select Survey Code to be taken to a page with the web page link which can be copied and shared with stakeholders.

Step 1:

  • Copy the survey link by selecting Copy URL and then share the link with stakeholders so that they can complete the survey.

Video Walkthrough

How do I create a stakeholder survey?

The Stakeholder Survey tool enables us to gather stakeholder views about any aspect of the school's work.

Impact offers two types of survey:

Step 1:

  • Name the survey
  • Select the session

Step 2:

  • Decide which themes / stakeholder groups to include in the survey

Step 3:

  • Select questions to be used in the survey
  • Add any custom

Step 4:

  • Select stakeholder priorities
  • Add any custom priorities

Step 5:

  • Add a list of classes to be surveyed (optional, allows the survey to be analysed by class)

Video walkthrough