Transform your school’s self-evaluation process using Impact EVALUATE.

EVALUATE is Scotland’s most powerful online school improvement program. Its range of unique features helps school leaders to:

  • Carry out detailed audits of HGIOS quality indicators and rate the school’s performance
  • Link evidence to support QI evaluations and store these digitally
  • Identify the school’s strengths and areas for improvement
  • Highlight priorities for school improvement planning
  • Generate reports that can be used for standards and quality reporting

Based on Scotland’s How Good is Our School framework, each quality indicator is broken down into themes and key features, with illustrations to show what these look in practice.   Containing more than 5,000 examples of effective practice, EVALUATE’s deep audit tool helps school leaders rate key aspects of performance including:

  • Learning and teaching
  • Curriculum
  • Leadership
  • Attainment
  • Safeguarding and wellbeing

Use EVALUATE to take the next step on your school’s improvement journey.

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